Less is More

The art of "Less is More"

Since antiquity, man has sought to give meaning to his actions, particularly in architecture and construction. At the beginning of the 20th century, three architects, Adolf Loos, Louis Sullivan and Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe, respectively demonstrated that all the beauty and utility of a building must pass through a clear structure and the mise en abyme (placing a copy of an image within itself) of the chosen material. Loos is also the creator of the expression known to all today: "Less is more".

Blog minimalist LISA NOTO

The history of minimalism comes from the desire to not create decorative ornaments without profound utility. By definition, minimalism permits us to do "more" with "less". But how to put it into practice in the social sphere?

In the world of beauty, for example, the trend toward minimalism gives an image that is sometimes pretentious or, on the contrary, neglected, even though the basic idea should be: consume less in order to choose better, simplify your routine in order to free your mind.

At LISA NOTO, each product is designed to be "multi-tasking", according to desires, needs, times, places and possibilities. The exercise is as easy as it is difficult, because consumerist habits are hard to break. In the mind of a consumer, it is still almost inconceivable that a single product can act on health, well-being and beauty. And yet it is a reality. Deconstructing one's thought pattern allows for an open mind and the acceptance of a new alternative guided by and for harmony with Nature.

During our tenure as Earthlings, let us optimize our presence through concrete thoughts and actions.

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