Caring for our Planet

LISA NOTO wants to help make a difference for the environment and we believe that this difference comes from our consumption habits.

Are you also concerned by the catastrophic results of climate change and excessive waste that sometimes make us feel powerless? And yet, with a certain conscience-inspired hindsight, we know that each small action can have an impact on the health of the planet and the future of our children.

caring for our planet - LISA NOTO eco-friendly cosmetics

How could we forget over the millennia that we were invited, for the fleeting moment that is the span of our life, to experience the wonder of planet Earth? Why are we the only species to think ourselves superior to Nature, which will undoubtedly outlive us?

Taking care of the Earth is a vast topic on which we can all act, whoever we are. Each gesture, however small, contributes to the elaboration of a moral system, geared towards the search for adapted and simple solutions. The awareness of Nature's needs, the sorting of waste, the use of means of transport should no longer be simply a choice but, why not, inscribed in a charter of "Consciousness Pact for the course of one's life on Earth". In the same way that we learned to read, write and count when we were children, let's be the initiators of change, by imparting the importance of  "good habits" early in our young for the care of our one and only home, planet Earth.

Starting a weekly class from kindergarten, so that each child has the tools necessary to act in a conscientious way.
The time for activism is well and long over, we need to be acting with awareness and preservation in mind.

Since the Industrial Revolution two centuries ago, mankind has lost all sense of itself and has slowly and surely destroyed this planet we call home.

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