proactive for your well-being

Be proactive for your well-being

I like to remind people of the importance of slowing down and sometimes, even doing nothing for a whole day. Yet being proactive feels good. We have all experienced it. Playing sports, volunteering, taking care of a loved one, taking care of your children, donating money, taking a course on a subject that concerns you, are all ways to strive for well-being. The paradox is that doing good is not done without application. Getting involved outside of oneself to feel better requires a sustained effort to break the symptoms of unhappiness: isolation, loneliness and depression.
I don't want to confuse anyone by encouraging proactivity in an article on wellness. Some may say that they are so busy that wellness can only mean total tranquility, such as reading a book at home or taking the time to sip tea, trying to forget the worries of everyday life. There is also a tendency to associate proactivity with exercise, which seems to run counter to the desired tranquility.
To really grasp the subject it is important to understand the definition of proactivity: it is being able to be internally coherent with oneself, centered on one's axis, and living in awareness with oneself, with others, with the world.

To be proactive:
  • is the ability
  • to exercise its faculties of anticipation
  • to act in a just manner
  • avoid undesirable consequences
  • and succeed in life
If you go to the gym three times a week, you are proactive. It's also an aspect of life that makes sense in the language associated with wellness since physical activity is paramount to feeling better. Working out, whether in a gym, outside or on the dance floor, helps to reduce stress, be more relaxed and less anxious. It's an effort that pays off when practiced consistently. As with all wellness practices, consistency is necessary to reap the benefits of our efforts.

There are many other ways to be proactive while respecting the fact that we need to slow down in order to be better in our minds, bodies and hearts. Being proactive in your community and in your choices is part of a healthy wellness lifestyle. Here's why.

One of the reasons we don't feel good about ourselves is that we don't connect deeply enough with others. Furthermore, we get overly anxious about issues or situations that we don't understand, such as global warming, war, or our child's difficult situation at school. The solution is to get involved where it hurts and try to better understand the situation firsthand in order to help alleviate our torment. Simple actions such as volunteering with an environmental organization can give us new and more positive perspectives on the issue. Knowing what's going on and seeing that our actions can make a difference makes us feel better.

No time? As with all things related to wellness, we must decide to make room in our schedule for what we care about. Our day will be much more productive and positive if we get involved in what we care about. By taking back control of our time and priorities, we reclaim our power, which is directly related to the joy of living. If the subject of the environment is important to us and causes us anxiety for valid reasons, it is important to pay attention to it by being proactive.
Volunteering can take many forms. If we have extra money, we can make a donation to an organization that works to improve the world locally or internationally. Do we have a little time? Let's get involved one hour a month at our child's school. Is there an event coming up? Let's go! This can be an opportunity to invite friends. We get involved in an activity that is important to us and we create meaningful memories with those we love.
Worried about money? No amount of bubble bath can take away the thought of the end of the world approaching? Take a class on finance, stop spending, reuse, recycle, trade, and take a cooking class at your neighborhood center. You'll learn how to do better with less and it will keep you busy, lessening the anxiety of being home alone.
Cleaning out drawers and closets helps to reduce stress. On the other hand, it is a sure sign that we are accumulating too much. Learn to live with less and appreciate what you already have. Being grateful for what you have is a great remedy for unhappiness. The combination of a proactive attitude with a healthy dose of gratitude is a magic recipe for feeling better.
When you volunteer at a senior citizens' center or when you help the needy, you quickly realize that you can live well with less. Health is wealth, the rest is secondary.
Being proactive in your community is part of a healthy wellness lifestyle. Caring for others is a primary value related to wellness. Strangely, the system of society in which we live does not encourage it. It is important to help each other, it is human and it makes sense in our lives. The gratitude you will receive in return is worth so much more than the very temporary feeling of satisfaction attached to the consumption of goods to get out of one's anguish. Moreover, consuming without stopping pollutes the planet in a lamentable way.

There is no need to go far away to do good for yourself and for those around you. So many people are in need of attention and love in this age defined by virtual reality. Start by being present for your family, your parents, your friends. Again, the effort to get out of yourself and to connect with your environment is worthwhile.

Money is the number one cause of anxiety for most people. We are addicted to our cell phones, mobile apps, monthly subscriptions that pile up on the credit card. Keeping our money in our bank account becomes an act of rebellion. The consumerist society of excess keeps us paralyzed, anxious. Make conscious choices that have a positive impact in your community when you spend your hard-earned money. You deserve the sense of security and peace that comes with a well-managed budget. You'll also regain a sense of empowerment that feels good.

Making eco-conscious choices on behalf of your own well-being, your loved ones and the planet is rewarding.

Be proactive, help those around you, and maintain a simple lifestyle that respects the planet and mankind. This is the winning recipe for a wellness based lifestyle.
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