Visualization helps to nourish our desires which are very important to maintain our health. I see desire as an electric current that flows through the body. Many scientific studies show that we are in fact pure energy. If our energy is bad, it is blocked in our body and this leads, in the short or long term, to various physical or mental diseases. A common example is the blockage of the back, often the result of a wrong movement, but in fact it usually occurs in moments of stress and frustration over a long period of time. The blockage then becomes inevitable, and this is a signal to slow down and take stock of what is wrong.
Visualization helps to stimulate the energy within us by feeding the desire. Visualizing what we want, whether it is material or spiritual, is an essential step in achieving our goals, our growth and our overall health.
Some of you may have already tried the "mood board" at work or at home. It is an excellent exercise that allows us to project ourselves into the future in a positive way. Writing is also a powerful catalyst for the flow of our energy. It allows us to clear our minds by putting our desires and goals on paper. Are you the type of person who is constantly ruminating on the to-do list? Writing or drawing what's on your mind has always been a very effective technique for me to better connect with my desires and achieve my goals.
Fulfillment goes hand in hand with expansion. As human beings we always want more; a better job, a bigger house, travel more, more children etc. What is certain is that visualization allows us to clear our minds, to align our priorities and to better focus on our goals. The results are often amazing, and like housework in general, let's try to do this simple exercise often. Listing, writing, mood boards, closed-eye visualization, drawing, collage, are all tools to help our minds be healthier and our bodies to have a fluid energy.
This state is essential to the health of our organs, our skin and our brain, all intimately linked to growth and development.